How Often Do I Need a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

How Often Do I Need a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

How Often Do I Need a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

How Often Do I Need a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

The National Eye Institute stresses the importance of comprehensive eye exams. Many eye ailments do not have visible signs or symptoms, which is one of the reasons why exams are necessary. Here are the details that you must consider to know how often you need to have a comprehensive eye exam.  

Frequency of Comprehensive Eye Exams

These eye exams are important in determining the status of your eye and vision health. They can tell you if you have a brewing eye disease or visual issue. Patients have different frequencies of comprehensive eye exams. Below is a suggested schedule for these eye exams:

  • Pediatric patients must start comprehensive eye exams at 6 to 12 months. Another exam must take place at 3, and then they should begin yearly eye exams at 5 years old. You should talk to the eye doctor about your child’s risk for eye problems. Any eye issue can affect the frequency of these eye checkups

  • Adult patients should have a comprehensive eye exam every year. Patients at risk for eye problems may be required to have more frequent exams

Risk Factors for Having More Frequent Comprehensive Eye Exams

A child with signs and symptoms of eye diseases will need an immediate comprehensive eye exam. Risk factors, such as prematurity, fetal distress, and maternal smoking or drinking, will also need this type of eye exam. For an older child, this eye exam is necessary if there are school performance issues, previous eye injury, or systemic health issues.

An adult with a history of eye problems and systemic ailments must have more frequent comprehensive eye exams. The same applies to adults with jobs that put their visual health at risk. A previous eye injury or eye surgery will make it necessary for an adult to have more frequent comprehensive eye exams. A progressive refractive problem is also a reason for having this eye exam more often.

The Eye Tests

Patients who need a comprehensive eye exam will go through many individual eye tests. The eye exams that you need will depend on the eye condition that you are suspected of having. Your eye doctor will discuss the eye exams that apply to your case. Some of them could be any of the following:

  • Visual acuity tests how clear each eye’s vision is. You will read from charts close or far away from you

  • Preliminary tests include color vision, pupil response, and depth perception

  • Refraction tests see the lens power that you need for your refractive error. This test uses a phoropter

  • Keratometry tests the cornea’s curvature. This test is important for fitting contact lenses

Understanding how often you need to have an eye exam can help you prepare for and schedule them. At Savaglio Family Vision, we put the eye health needs of our patients first. Please visit our clinic in Kenosha, Wisconsin, for an in-person consultation. Please call 262-657-7850 to set an appointment or inquire about our comprehensive eye exam packages.

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